Is Weight Loss Surgery The Best Solution For Obesity?

Obesity or being excessively overweight can be the cause of many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, thyroid, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even cancer. To add to that, being obese can be extremely detrimental to the mental health of a person. Obesity can severely disrupt a person’s daily life and leave them depressed.

Weight Loss Surgery-Primus hospital

Most doctors suggest making lifestyle changes to control obesity. However, obesity cannot always be managed by exercising and dieting alone, especially if the person has other ailments like diabetes and heart disease. In such cases, weight loss surgery stands to be the best solution.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern; it is a serious medical condition that needs proper treatment. For people suffering from morbid obesity, getting treated at the Best Hospital for Bariatric surgery procedure in Nigeria can be the key to a healthier and longer life.

Who should go for weight loss surgery?
If you are unable to manage obesity and suffering from other associated ailments, a weight loss surgery can prove to be life altering for you. However, you will need to contact our General Surgeon to determine the proper procedure of treatment as all patients are not suitable for bariatric surgery. There are many hospitals offering Weight Loss Surgery and treatments in Nigeria, but you should be aware of the following factors before opting for one.

  • Weight loss surgery is for people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 32.5 and is suffering from other obesity-related conditions (diabetes, heart disease etc). All of these will be determined by your General Surgeon.
    • Surgery is considered when all other weight loss solutions have failed to yield any result.
    • Post surgery you should be prepared to make some lifestyle changes and willing to undergo regular check-ups to prolong your wellbeing.

Life after surgery
Weight loss surgery involves surgery of or around your stomach to reduce your appetite leading to absorption of lesser calories. It can drastically reduce a large amount of your body weight. But you should prepare yourself for the life post-surgery to get the best results. Here’s what follows once you have done the procedure.

  • Changes in diet – Patients undergoing bariatric surgery have to follow a liquid diet for the first few days after surgery and maintain a healthy balanced diet, recommended by their physician for the rest of their life. This can mean missing out on some of the favorite food. So you should be prepared to deal with such changes.
    • Changes in lifestyle – After you have undergone bariatric surgery, you have to make healthier life choices, like giving up smoking and drinking to prevent gaining weight again.
    • Exercise –
    Regular exercises for the rest of your life are also quite important to maintain your weight after the surgery.
    • Regular check-ups –
    You have to routinely follow up with your doctor and follow his/her suggestions as needed.

Weight Loss Surgery procedures in Nigeria or Bariatric surgery is not the easy way out as expected by many patients. You have to follow the General Surgeon’s advice thoroughly to get prolonged results. Also, you should discuss the associated risks with your doctor before taking a decision. Nevertheless, bariatric surgery is extremely beneficial when performed by efficient doctors as it can not only reduce the excess body weight but also cure all the related conditions like diabetes (type 2), sleep apnoea, heart diseases, high blood pressure etc.

Primus Hospital is the Best Hospital for advanced Bariatric Surgery Treatments in Nigeria with their excellent team of General Surgeons and scientific methods. If you are concerned about your excess body weight, consultation with their best weight management experts can help you get the most effective solution with the promise of a healthier life.

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